Feedback about our loveable zkswap #V3 Testnet Feedback#

ZKSwap deploys a series of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to store the tokens deposited by users while recording and verifying Layer2 status updates and related proof. Those smart contracts are the key hub connecting on-chain and off-chain.

ZKSwap’s zero-knowledge proof system adopts a distributed architecture and uses the latest zero-knowledge proof algorithm PLONK to generate proofs. PLONK’s global trust setup only needs to be generated once, and the circuit can be greatly reused within a certain range, reducing the stacks for using zero-knowledge proofs.

The ZKSwap server can use the WebSocket to interact with the user, and monitor transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. All valid transaction requests will be put into the ZKSwap mem pool and processed by the Swap Enginee.

Users can access API&SDK to achieve fast programmatic transactions. Deploying ZKSwap V2 on BSC, HECO, and OKEx Chain after launching and give exchange user an access to L2. ZKSwap V2 aims to empower blockchain infrastructures with capacity to expand to Layer2 based on zero-knowledge proof and to become a safe, universal, and open financial infrastructure.

Users fully own their own assets, and transactions do not require authorization which protects user privacy and account security. Users can also add any token and create trading pairs on their own with a flat fee; and we will support 0 gas fee airdrops and offer a seamless trading experience with instant payment feature.

ZKSwap aims to make continuous breakthroughs by launching Layer2 lending and stable currency exchange service; developing a general EVM model based on ZK-Rollups to realize the programmability of Layer2, a general EVM model based on ZK-Rollups by constructing a circuit on the EVM instruction set and connecting with more partners to promote the property of the Layer2.

The deployment scheme of ZKSwap V3 on Nft features after V3 mainnet launching will give NFT user an access to Layer2. ZKSwap V3 aims to empower blockchain infrastructures with capacity to expand to Layer2 based on zero-knowledge proof and to become a safe, universal, and open financial infrastructure.

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