#ZKSwap #BSC feedback for future

for feed back i have a lot of ideas for zks but i’m just an ordinary community,

  1. zks does not need to issue a governance token called (BZKS) because the team will issue many chains such as heco, and okexchain maybe, if the team creates governance tokens on the bsc network then the team will create governance tokens on the heco chain and okexchain?
    I don’t think it’s necessary, because zks is identical to its own mainet, it’s better to develop your own mainet,

  2. zks need to include liquidity tokens from bsc, I think like cake and bake to add more liquidity and attract the attention of various communities, to add pool liquidity.

  3. for network costs in bsc i suggest using bsc,

I hope l2 bsc emphasizes the cost is cheaper than before this will be of interest to all circles of the community, and also i hope zks develop a special mainet for web3 to bridge between mainet zks to bsc/heco/okexchain in the future

best regards zks community