Не получается на ZKSWAP отправить монеты на staking

Пытаюсь третий день отправить на стейкинг 120 ZKS. Я перерыл весь интернет и нигде не нашел минимальный порог для стейкинга на вашей платформе. Когда я врода как все сделал , крутится значок и пишет подождать один блок или от 1 до 3 мин. Яждал час и ничего не произошло.Как мне отправить ZKS на staking? И какой минимальный порог в долларах? ( использую кошелек Metemask)

I’m trying to stake 120 ZKS for the third day. I have searched all over the Internet and have not found a minimum threshold for staking anywhere on your platform. When I like everything I did, the icon spins and writes to wait one block or from 1 to 3 minutes. I waited an hour and nothing happened. How do I send ZKS to staking? And what is the minimum threshold in dollars? (using the Metemask wallet)

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You can call the admin.


Hey Evgen, sorry we don’t understand Russian. Please post in English. Thanks!

I’m trying to stake 120 ZKS for the third day. I have searched all over the Internet and have not found a minimum threshold for staking anywhere on your platform. When I am on sale as I did everything, the icon spins and writes to wait one block or from 1 to 3 minutes. I waited for an hour and nothing happened. And what is the minimum threshold in dollars? (using the Metemask wallet)

hey use google translator