Feedback About #ZKSwap V3 #NFT

Personal experience or insights of your involvement in NFT design, distribution, or trading :
I haven’t mint any erc based nft yet. Because of highly costed gas fee. But i am a regular trader currently i used treasureland and binance nft marketplace for nft trading. I always avoid other erc based nft marketplace because of high eth gas fee. And waiting for Zkswap’s zero gas fee L2 nft. I am existed about that.

My Vision on current and future nft development :
Nft has a great future. Previously people sell their art in locally. But in current world it’s most likely unrealistic. Because people love tech and we love nft. So the vision is clear :heart_eyes:

thoughts on issues currently exposed in the NFT industry:
Although nft is hot topic in blockchain. But nft still some problem. Ex eth based nft high gas fee. If this problem solved surely nft will cross traditional art.

Your expectations and suggestions for the NFT feature based on Layer2:
In nft gas fee is the main factor and zkswap is already solve this problem via L2 market place. So i think It’s great opportunity for me.