ZKSwap to Launch Fei and Tribe Liquidity Mining at 18:00 April 4th, GMT+8

FEI and Tribe Listed on ZKSwap

The ZKSwap team is glad to announce that we have listed Fei (FEI) and Tribe (TRIBE) on ZKSwap.

FEI uses a new kind of stablecoin mechanism called direct incentives. TRIBE is the governance token that manages the Fei Protocol. Fei Protocol got about 650K ETH during the genesis which launched earlier today.

900,000 ZKS Rewards for FEI/TRIBE, FEI/ZKS, and TRIBE/ZKS Liquidity Mining

ZKSwap will also open liquidity mining and transaction mining for FEI/TRIBE, FEI/ZKS, and TRIBE/ZKS at 18:00, April 4th, 2021, GMT+8 time, lasting for 30 days till May 4th, 2021, 18:00 GMT+8 time.

The total prize pool for the Liquidity mining (PoL) of FEI/TRIBE, FEI/ZKS, and TRIBE/ZKS will be 900,000 ZKS, distributed linearly, which is equivalent to 10,000 ZKS rewards per trading pair per day.

For the transaction mining (PoT) of FEI/TRIBE, FEI/ZKS, and TRIBE/ZKS, the PoT reward will be 90% of the transaction fee in the form of ZKS. The daily maximum total for each trading pair is 1,000 ZKS.

In addition to these newly added Fei/Tribe-related PoL and PoT campaigns, ZKSwap is also hosting other PoL, PoT campaigns, staking, and savings campaigns. For more events, stay tuned at ZKSpace.

ZKSwap is an AMM modeled layer2 dex based on Practical ZK-Rollups — the ZKSpeed Protocol.

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