#V3 Testnet #Feedback - hello

The first thing I noticed was the UI.
When I first landed, I got a simple UI on a white background, with a choice of wallet, trade, NFT and a hamburger side menu which -sorry- I think is too simple, even though ZKSwap is a brand new exchange protocol, but it would be nice to have an interesting shape look UI, especially regarding NFT which identically with art. I expect a lot of improvement here, considering the competition in the NFT world will definitely be very tight in the coming year.

Second, browsing access speed is quite high, I think the server is good and the web simplicity makes it possible to open NFT galleries quickly, for this I am satisfied.
To the most important part, after I saw the gallery -which unfortunately has no feature for sorting by price, time, category, or hashtag- I finally tried to make my own work. Mint my own NFT. Here, I did not find the choice for how of NFTs that you can make available with once mint, whether or not my work was included in the selling list, and whether or not my work could be resold by the new owner. So here, one work is made for only 1 NFT, that’s quite ok for me to maintain the originality of your work.
on the first try unfortunately it took a long time until it finally failed. I don’t know why, but after a while I tried it again and it was an instant success quickly and very cheaply! Maybe this is the influence of ZK-Rollups technology. As they said through Zk-Rollups technology, all ERC20 tokens are transferred to Layer2, and the consistent state of Layer1 and Layer2 is guaranteed based on continuously generated zero-knowledge proofs. This solution allows all exchanges to execute on Layer 2, achieving real-time swap with zero gas fees, unlimited scalability, removing the constraint from the Ethereum’s TPS, and block confirmation time. After successful minting, I immediately put it on the selling list, which quickly sold out for 0.01 ETH. But sadly, I haven’t seen any notifications available to let me know that there’s been a purchase of the work I’m selling. Maybe that can be taken for consideration developers here.
