#V3 Testnet Feedback #mint NFT #Sell NFT, #Deposit

Greeting all,

First of all , i would like to thanks DEV team to create Airdrop contest for everyone. and i am one of them.
I joined this project as a product experience. i see that UI/UX design is easy to use.
Mint NFT function: smooth, fast,
Sell NFT function: smooth, fast, a lot of asset to choose.
In the Marketplace: i search NFT ID. it respond so fast. but i think DEV team need add more contract, and name of NFT to easy to find. or to create subject/key work for each NFT.
Finally, overall running well. Hopefully mainnet is run soon to enjoy it.
this is the address i experiened: 0x951040Ba78702974d24AA48d4D388D43d0fB920a

Thank you Team ZKs.