#V3 Testnet Feedback# My experiences using V3 testnet

First off, big thank you to the ZKSwap team for creating such a consistent UI and UX interface. Very well done.

I enjoyed playing around with the deposit, swap, and NFT features and I was able to test out how things work to prepare for the real thing once it launches.

Some feedback I had:

  • The NFT Wallet button is currently nested in “L2 Wallet” on the top ribbon. I think this should directly be on the top ribbon.
  • Currently, it takes $5 equivalent to mint an NFT. However, when I was bridging ETH in, 1 ETH was worth less than $5, it was only worth $2.34. This made it difficult to mint an NFT right away. The price of ETH on L2 Testnet V3 should be adjusted to be worth more than the current $2.34 value, or the cost of minting an NFT should be less than $5 to account for the low priced value of ETH on L2. I would recommend the former, pricing ETH at around $4K on V3 Testnet’s L2.
  • We could have some more options that would show the yields we earned in the pools
  • In the NFT Mall, we could have a sort button (sort prices low to high, high to low, recent to oldest, oldest to newest, etc), and also there could be some sort of category labels that NFT creators would have to label their NFTs as. This would all help with categorizing NFTs to allow for future buyers to easily sort through the types of NFTs they view and buy

All in all, this was very well done, I am looking forward to future updates to ZKS, and future ETH scaling. I like the colors you used in the website as well. I will definitely show this to my friends, and I can’t wait for you guys to launch. Great work everyone!

L2 Address I used: 0x473DA95ad4c18ec29B48E6a71b41452aEc2cEDC1

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