#V3 Testnet Feedback# My review (9th of december)

I tested the net, i like the look of the website it’s very friendly on the eyes and user-friendly in general, it was a bit slow at times but i’m sure that’s to be ironed out. i liked it a lot, would definitely use.
the transaction status bar should automatically turn off after 5s though, it is a bit annoying after you submit a transaction and it doesn’t close itself. might wanna change that.
The Non Fungible Token Mall is very nice, it looks pleasing on the eyes and the way that i can see both the Non Fungible Token listing owner and the price i personally find that ability to be very nice.
Non Fungible Token minting works ZKSpace Explorer i really like how easy and fast it was to mint a brand new Non Fungible Token
trading Non Fungible Tokens works perfectly fine, i both sold and bought tokens and the transactions went smoothly without problems
swapping tokens works without problem, seamlessly swapped ETH to ZKS or USDT, and ZKS to USDT, and USDT to ZKS all work perfectly fine.
the wallet worked great, i absolutely love how i was able to see all my tokens and their value on one page without having to scroll through any additional pages, and the transaction list being right there too? great choice. the summed up value of my wallet at the top is a great feature too as i won’t have to count every single token up if i want to know how much value i actually hold. depositing withdrawing and sending being right there too is another great feature
depositing ETH works fine it just took a few minutes though.
mining doesn’t work? when i click on the page it loads some 2 windows for a frame and then goes away.
the liquidity pool works perfectly and i found no issues with it,
TL;DR, it’s good, i’d recommend and will definitely use when it’s officially out.

Wallet 0xF49B077b240a25cacFeBd8CaA80af94E8D2E20dF