Zkswap the platform for NFTs #V3 Testnet Feedback#

We already see that uniswap launch Their v3 version and gain a huge success. Now It’s zkswap’s time. In uniswap they are limited to swap features but here you can find all features like swap, pay, mining and nft. No other platform provides this type of service at once. That’s what makes zkswap different from other platforms. If you are a user of another platform I wanna say something to you. You people just checkout the V3 testnet version of zkswap i bet you! You must fall in love with it.

Not only its features but also its uniqueness. They are faster than others. Zero gas fees. No need for any special permission for using it.

I fully try all services that are provided on v3. That was amazing. Minting nft, buy, sell and swap token all looks awesome. But I still wanna say something. Zkswap dev might be Missing something.

I didn’t find a minting option. As an artist it is very important to this. Most.of quality artists provide multiple nft packages. They want to create multiple nft at once. This is to reduce the fees. Although zkswap zero gas fee but i saw still it need 5 usdt to create per nft so i think it is necessary to enable.package format for greater success. There are also no options available for multiple nft at once this is also necessary. There are also no option for filters. I think this is also a must have option for the nft marketplace. Because it will help users to find their nft easily. Without these features zkswap will lose users who don’t have time to find nft manually. And we all know who they are; they are all whales! That’s it. Thank you for giving us the chance. Best of luck for zkswap.

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