#ZKSwap Mobile# swap walle

I think it will be better if I know which layer is continuing while swapping… I mean I am choosing my L1 wallet then I am trying to swap but I can’t see my assets while swapping and I can’t understand the problem is layer failure or not.

okay we will add notice in the future
Thanks for your advice. please send us your address, we will send you reward in 3 days after the activity end

I am glad to see you an I am sure that you will fix every single problem.


I saw 10 ZKS in my L2 wallet. I wonder that it is an award for joining the activity?

yes, we distributed reward to the address you posted several days ago~

Yes, I saw your reward and it was quite disappointment! You are really good and big company, but you are distributing as a reward just 10 ZKS to people who tried your app and network. It wasn’t worth neither half of my fee nor for my time. i cant take my money back because of your limitations and high fees. i will just wait and i will see how you will be in the future.

Many people have lost faith in ZKS!